The second transnational MLEA meeting at SSE - Stockholm School of Economics (Stockholm, Sweden)
March 18th, 2022Last week ZŠEM partners from Sweden, Slovenia and Serbia that are gathered in the ZŠEM-led project MicroLearning Entrepreneurship for Athletes - MLEA visited the Swedish Sports Confederation in light of entering the second part of this Erasmus+ project. We had the honour to meet Mr. Peter Mattson, Director of Elitsports2030 and were able to gain valuable information about the structure of Swedish sports.
Later that day the 2nd transnational meeting of the MLEA project took place in the Stockholm School of Economics with our hosts Martin Carlsson-Wall and Nich Andersson. The meeting was managed in the hybrid form so other partners from Germany, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia could virtually participate as well.
Finally, the day ended with visiting the SSE's audio and visual studio where different approaches to finalising MLEA project output were brainstormed and new solutions found. Now fully energised and highly motivated we are continuing in bringing our project to success.