The seventh and final transnational MLEA meeting at the Zagreb School of Economics and Management in Zagreb (Croatia)
March 16th, 202313th March 2023 marked the day for our final (official) MLEA transnational project meeting where we gathered in an impressive number. We have made a recapitulation of the previous two years, most notably with the 4 intellectual outputs that were produced and what are the lessons learned. However, the main focus of our discussion was the sustainability of the project. Many ideas were brought up, some old, some new but to know more about these stay tuned for our following updates on this web and other social media. With that being said, MLEA team fears no future for its outputs, particularly the micro-learning platform that we aim to be reached by athletes in their early stage of dual careers giving them direction and purpose and therefore giving a push in the back for entrepreneurship in sports.
As this was our final (official) meeting and the next day was a big one - final conference, a MLEA multiplier sport event, a bit a relaxation came in handy for which a stroll through an Upper part of Zagreb, discovering its beautiful history was just something we all needed after long and demanding preparations.
Stay tuned for more MLEA info!